The Eddie Bauer diaper bags that are available are not necessarily fashionable. However, they serve another purpose. They are very functional bags. These diaper bags are even suited for the not so feminine of parents.
There are two Eddie Bauer diaper bags available. The first is the Messenger Bag and the second is the Diaper Overnight Case.
The Messenger Bag (Item # I23 792 1327) is a diaper bag that is worn across the body. The shoulder strap is padded to allow for better comfort while carrying everything that baby and parent would need comfortably to make it through an outing. The diaper bag constructed of 100% nylon includes insulated pockets for keeping baby bottles cold. The front pocket of the diaper bag is an organizer for carrying Mommy or Daddy things, including a cell phone pocket. It also has a baby wipe pocket on the exterior of the bag.
The bag is available in two colors, black and dark navy. It is monogrammable for more personalization for parent and baby. The dimensions of the bag are 16" W x 11.5" H x 5" D. As opposed to many fashionable, name brand diaper bags this bag regularly sells for $49.50, but is presently priced at $29.99.
The next bag in the Eddie Bauer diaper bag collection is the Diaper Overnight Case (Item # I23 792 1325) is able to accommodate almost anything under the sun. The Diaper Overnight Case is also made of 100% nylon, and features among its functionalities pleated bottle pockets, for carrying multiple bottles at once, outside insulated pockets, and a side pocket complete with pacifier clip, to keep the "binky" easily accessible and clean.
The diaper bag's dimensions are 16.5" W x 11" H x 6" D. It is also available in black and dark navy. For carrying this Overnight Case, there is a padded shoulder strap, for carrying over the shoulder when you just do not have an extra hand for anything else. There is also a set of padded "haul" handles for carrying the bag by hand. This bag is also perfect for adding a monogram for a more personalized feel and look. This normally sells for $54.50, but is presently available for $29.99 through the Eddie Bauer catalog or website.
For those of you who feel that the Eddie Bauer diaper bags are a little generic for your taste, Eddie Bauer also sells a Diaper Bag Conversion Kit (Item # I23 792 1439) which is appropriate for turning even your most non-functional bag, into the perfect diaper bag.
The kit features a waterproof pouch that has a list of the ten things that you need to carry for your baby. A changing pad has a pocket for wipes and one for diapers. It also has a pocket for carrying bottles, which is insulated, a snap clip for keeping up with a pacifier and an emergency contact card should the bag that you are using be lost. This kit normally sells for $24.50, currently priced at $14.50.
By Yona Gold